
Wuxi Friendship Paper Bag Making Machinery Co.,Ltd
FSW390 High Speed Paper Handle Making Machine

FSW390 High Speed Paper Handle Making Machine belongs to the fourth generation newly developed by our company. It is good-looking. Its body has a sealed cover for the assurance of the safety in operation. It adopts Frequency Conversion System to get high efficiency,low noise, fast speed as well as easily to operate.It pastes twist paper ropes between two layers of kraft firmly with Hot Melt Adhesive Machine and then cut off them in separate automatically. FSW390 High Speed Paper Handle Making Machine is an ideal accessory of square bottom shopping bag machine.
1.Diameter of paper rope:2-6mm;
2. Width of paper handle: 95mm;
3. Width of two paper roll: 60-100mm
3. Output: 10000 pairs /hour
4.Total Power:6.5Kw;
5. Machine size: 3500×1200×1500mm
we could customize our machine to meet your especial requirement

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